The old adage that insurance companies are great at taking premiums, but not so great at paying out claims is certainly true in Miramar, Florida. Despite what they may say in their advertising, the simple fact is that they will do everything that they can in order to reduce your claim to the absolute minimum, and if possible, nothing at all.
If you stop to think about it for a moment, it makes logical sense. An insurance company makes its’ income from the premiums that people pay it. That is on the one side. On the other side, every time it pays out it is losing some of that money.
Now in an ideal world – from an insurance company’s point of view – it would collect premiums and never pay anything out at all. After its’ operating costs it would have 100% profit!
Of course, in the real world it doesn’t work like that because insurance companies do have to pay out on claims. However, what they do is to try to make the amount that they pay out on each claim as little as possible. And the way that insurance companies do that is by employing loss adjusters whose sole job is to adjust your claim. Those loss adjusters are only ever going to “adjust” your claim one way – and it isn’t upwards! Insurance companies also employ very expensive lawyers if a case goes to court for exactly the same reason.
The Math Is Simple
The math is very simple. If the insurance company spends, say, $3 million dollars a year on loss adjusters and lawyers, and those people save it $5 million that it would otherwise have had to pay out, it has just made an extra profit of $2 million for the year. So, it’s trebles all round at the annual Christmas party!
And this is precisely why you need a public adjuster in Miramar, Florida, on your side to ensure that you get what is due to you. After all, if the insurance company can get some help, why shouldn’t you?
At All Claims Solutions, as a public adjuster in Miramar, Florida, that is exactly what we do. We are here to help you in your fight against the insurance company. What’s more, it won’t cost you a cent unless – or rather until – we get you the payment that you deserve. Only then do we charge you our agreed fee from the amount that we secure for you.
Furthermore, as a public adjuster in Miramar, Florida, we have an outstanding record of success. The insurance company loss adjusters will use every trick in the book to reduce your claim to the minimum, but we know all their tricks as well.
Certainly, it’s a fight, but our job is to come out winning so that you get the pay-out that you deserve. And since we don’t get paid unless you do, you can be sure that we will leave no stone unturned.