Living on the coast, you have either witnessed or have been directly affected by storm damage. In South Florida, we have seen the effects of hurricanes and tropical storms on our luxurious city, and we’ve also seen people get shorted by insurance companies to help pay for repairs and employee salaries. At All Claims Solutions, we are dedicated to getting our clients everything they deserve when filing a storm damage claim in Miramar.
With hurricanes comes aggressive wind, and aggressive wind can result in significant damage. This damage can be detrimental to your home, as costs for repairs and new building materials can be costly. If you have experienced wind or storm damages and are looking to file a claim with your insurance company, speak to the experts at All Claims Solutions first to ensure you get everything you deserve from your claim.
When damages occur to your household, what’s the first thing you do? You get your insurance company on the phone and involved to begin getting your life on track. What’s the second thing you do? You contact All Claims Solutions to get in touch with one of our public insurance adjusters in Miramar. Many people don’t understand the importance of hiring a public insurance adjuster. Because of this lack of knowledge, All Claims Solutions wants to clear the air for why both homeowners and commercial property owners should consider a public insurance adjuster whenever storm damages have occurred to either your residence or to your business.
Residential Storm Claims
Purchasing your first home is a major milestone. However, when damages occur, many homeowners feel lost or confused about what they should do next. At All Claims Solutions, the first thing we recommend is that you get in contact with your insurance company to begin the claim process. Unfortunately, some insurance companies normally do not have the individual’s best interest at heart and this is made clear once it’s time to go thrught he claims process. One would assume insurance companies would understand this and help you through this tough time, but they still try to shortchange you. This reason is why the second thing you do is get in contact with the public insurance adjusters at All Claims Solutions. Our team of experienced, professional, and certified public insurance adjusters can help you with any insurance claim you need to file. Allow the All Claims Solutions team to level the playing field and ensure you don’t get taken advantage of. When you’re up against the big insurance companies, just know you’re not in this fight alone when you have All Claims Solutions.
Commercial Storm Claims
Not only is All Claims Solutions proficient in settling residential insurance claims, but commercial insurance claims as well. Unexpected storm damages can occur to your office, putting you and your employees in a bad spot. Relieve some of the stress of finding a temporary location by working with a licensed public insurance adjuster from All Claims Solutions. By working with one of our public insurance adjusters, you can get your claim filed quickly and correctly so you can go back to running your business. The team at All Claims Solutions takes a proactive approach to your claim and crafts an individualized solution to maximize your settlement, allowing you and your employees to get back to work.
What Should You Expect During the Process?
Once your property has experienced storm damage, you need to get in contact with your insurance company and the All Claims Solutions team. One of our licensed public insurance adjusters will be on the scene to inspect the location and document the damages. After a thorough inspection, our team will analyze the accumulated data and give you an overall replacement cost. This way your insurance company can be held accountable for compensating what your damage is worth, not what they want to give you. Let All Claims Solutions fight on your behalf!
Contact the Experts at All Claims Solutions Today!
All Claims Solutions is the Loss Consulting and Public Adjusting Firm who has the best public insurance adjusters in Miramar. Our public insurance adjusters will fight for you to get what you deserve. Call All Claims Solutions at (954) 622-0088 to get started with your claim today. Be sure to visit the All Claims Solutions’ website for additional information on all of the claim types we cover!