Owning a business or commercial property is not easy in South Florida. That’s especially true in 2021. Restrictions on business activity, rapid changes in the economy, and of course the Pandemic have turned everything upside down. It’s hard to be a business owner! It’s hard to be a landlord or commercial property owner.
Add in to this mix, Florida’s climate and you have some opportunities for rapid and undesired impacts. For example, there is always hurricane season. We’ve been lucky in recent years to not have a catastrophic hurricane season, but you never know. Perhaps 2021 will be a stormy year. Then there’s the risk of floods. Even a mild category storm can create flooding. There’s termites and pest issues. There’s always fire. There’s mold. There are many, many reasons a business or commercial property owner might have an issue with his or her property.
You pay your insurance each month. You often hope and believe that should an incident happen, the insurance company will live up to their part of the bargain. Unfortunately, that may not be the case. The insurance company can drag their feet. They can nickel and dime you into a low offer. They can just make it very difficult for you the business or commercial property owner to make a claim. What can you do? You need to be running your business. You need to get your commercial property back online. You don’t have the time, nor the expertise to fight with high-powered and difficult-to-handle insurance rep’s.
Our public adjusters can help. We deal with insurance companies day in and day out. We understand the complexities of insurance and of insurance claims. Give us a call and let us give you a free consultation. We can (and will) analyze your insurance policy and examine your claim. We then fight for your rights as an independent insurance adjuster.
We’re located in Weston Florida and service all of Broward County, from Fort Lauderdale inwards to Weston, Miramar, Davie, etc. If you live anywhere in Broward County, give us a call. Let us fight for you!